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The Three Treasures


The Three Treasurers of Buddhism are:

the Law, the Buddha and the Priest.

The Three Treasures of True Buddhism are:


Nichiren Daishonin and

Nikko Shonin.



The True Law is Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, the source of ichinen sanzen. The fusion of the True Law with the eternal life of the Buddha is manifested in the Gohonzon (the true object of worship). (This is the oneness of person and the Law.) Down the center of Gohonzon is written Namu-myoho-renge-kyo and beneath that, in linear symmetry, is the Daishonin’s signature and seal. In “The Four Debts of Gratitude” it is written, “Concerning the debt owed to the Law, the Law is the teacher of all Buddhas. It is because of the Law that the Buddhas are worthy of respect. Therefore, one who wishes to repay his debt to the Buddha must first repay the debt he owes to the Law.”[1]

[1] The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 4, pp. 10-11.


Buddhism is a teaching preached by an enlightened one or a Buddha. In Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin (1222-1282) is believed to be the eternal Buddha and true Buddha of the Latter Day, for his was the mission to reveal the original cause of enlightenment of all Buddhas, which isIn Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, and to make the enlightenment of all living things possible. Nichiren Daishonin is therefore the Treasure of the Buddha in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism.


Specifically, Nikko Shonin (1246-1333), Nichiren Daishonin’s closest disciple, represents the Treasure of the Priest. However, it is not the person or personality of Nikko Shonin that is the third treasure. It is Nikko Shonin who embraced, kept and transmitted all of Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings accurately, both in word and spirit, that is revered as the third treasure. Therefore, essential to the Treasure of the Priest is the adherence to the complete and truthful teaching of the Daishonin.


Generally speaking, all successive high priests who keep the Daishonin’s teachings as Nikko Shonin did are the Treasure of the Priest, as are all priests and lay believers who likewise practice and keep the true faith.

Nikko and Nichimoku Shonin

Both the treasure of the Buddha and the treasure of the Law are invariably perpetuated by priests. . . .Difficult to recompense indeed is the debt we owe to the Priesthood!