I respect everyone deeply.

 I do not despise anyone,

 not even a little, or look down on anyone with contempt.

 For you have the capacity 

to become a Buddha of Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, 

if you believe in Namu-myoho-renge-kyo

 and practice.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN often cites the story of Bodhisattva Jofukyo, which appears in chapter 20 of the Lotus Sutra, to illustrate the Buddhist principle of realizing Buddhahood through reverse relationship, which indicates that even those who oppose this Buddhism can, after hearing of it, still be saved.

The practice of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is two-fold: practice for one’s self, and practice for others.  To tell others, causing them to make a connection to the true Law of Namumyohorengekyo, is the true practice for others. No one can become enlightened practicing only for themselves.


OTHER teachings or sutras of Shakyamuni represent the teachings of the Buddha, while the Lotus Sutra represents both the teachings of the Buddha and the embodiment of the Buddha’s wisdom. Shakyamuni said of the Lotus Sutra that “among those sutras the Lotus is the foremost,” and that “among the sutras I have preached, now preach and will preach, this Lotus Sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand.” Nichiren Daishonin wrote, “If one puts sincere faith in each character and brushstroke in it, then one will become a Buddha in one’s present form.”

The practice of Nichiren Shoshu is the recitation of the title and two chapters (2nd and 16th) of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren Daishonin remarked that “Among the entire twenty-eight chapters, the Hoben [2nd] and Juryo [16th] chapters are particularly outstanding. The remaining are all in a sense the branches and leaves of these two chapters. Therefore I recommend that you practice reading the prose sections of the Hoben and Juryo chapters.”

One of the several messages conveyed in the second chapter is: “Of those who hear the Law, not one fails to become a Buddha.” From the 16th chapter comes the message: “the nine worlds are present in the beginningless Buddhahood, and Buddhahood exists in the beginningless nine worlds.”

To recite these two chapters in the morning and evening is considered the secondary practice. To recite and protect the Odaimoku or title of the Lotus Sutra, which is Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, is the essential and primary practice.


The daily practice of the recitation of two chapters of the Lotus Sutra and the chanting of Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is explained.

Proper Gongyo

The correct rhythm is essential in doing a proper Gongyo.


The extended Hoben (2nd ) chapter of the Lotus Sutra is significant as it explains the reason why all Buddhas come in to this world.

Naitoku Shinko

Practicing without Gohonzon.

Question and Answers on Gongyo

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