Shoshinkai Shukyo Honjin Temple

Temple of the Three Treasures

Sanbo-in, or the Temple of the Three Treasures, is the temple to which the Udumbara Foundation belongs. It is a Nichiren Shoshu Shoshinkai Shukyo Hojin Temple, adhering to the Fuji school tradition of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. It is located in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan.

Its chief priest, Reverend Raido Hirota, is one of the founding members of the Shoshinkai. Rev. Hirota is dedicated to teaching the true teachings to anyone, anywhere.

Recent Writings by Reverend Hirota

Shoshinkai Shukyo Hojin
Fuji Nikko Monryū

The corporation of Nichiren Shoshu priests dedicated to practicing, preserving, protecting, and teaching the true teachings of Nichiren Daishonin in the style of Nikko Shonin.

Shoshinkai Mission Statement

General meeting of Shoshinkai Priests and lay believers
Mount Fuji